The world will be a greener place when industry is advancing geothermal heating technology with Algar Geothermal

algar geothermal

Simulations completed with SLB’s OLGA dynamic multiphase flow simulator indicate that Algar Geothermal’s technology allows extraction of commercially viable and sustainable heat extraction beyond 50 years. A single purpose drilled deep well provides heat that will significantly reduce the dependence upon fossil fuels. Greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced, and a commercial operation can be a net zero emissions business. Allowing the advancing geothermal heating technology into industry applications.

Algar Geothermal’s technology is a low-cost geothermal alternative, with estimated capital and operating costs being lower than other geothermal technologies, with an estimated capital cost of less than $2mm per installation.

The main benefits of Algar Geothermal

  • Very small surface footprint
  • Low capital and operating costs
  • No hazardous materials
  • Low risk
  • Simple technology
  • 24/7 base load heat
  • Existing expertise
  • Standard materials
  • Low to zero GHG emissions
  • Lessens the load on the power grid
  • Global applications
  • Photo courtesy of Stream-Flo Industries
stream-flo wellhead

Algar Geothermal also improves economic stability

Natural Gas Price History

Unlike natural gas, which is subject to fluctuations in global supply and demand, geothermal energy harnesses the consistent temperature of the earth’s subsurface. This means that Algar Geothermal’s heating and cooling systems are largely unaffected by geopolitical events like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which disrupted natural gas pipelines and caused prices to skyrocket.  Additionally, Algar Geothermal’s systems are highly efficient, requiring less energy to operate compared to traditional heating methods, further insulating users from price spikes.  

Contact Algar Geothermal to get involved

We are seeking:

  • Technical partners – add Algar Geothermal to your portfolio of services
  • Industry Clients that need our technology to lower costs and greenhouse gas emissions
  • A partner for a test site. Turn a research project into a low cost source of eternally available heat
  • 1.5MM Euro for a pilot test
  • Investors
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