Using an out of service oil and gas well as a source of geothermal energy

As the world continues to grapple with climate change, many governments and organizations are looking for new ways to tap into renewable forms of energy. One way that is gaining attention is using out-of-service oil or gas wells as a source of geothermal energy. This novel idea could help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels while providing an inexpensive, reliable form of clean energy.

There’s heat in those wells!

Geothermal energy harnesses the Earth’s own heat to generate electricity and direct heat. By tapping into existing oil and gas wells, engineers can use this natural resource without having to drill new wells, making it a much more cost effective solution than drilling for fresh geothermal sources. Additionally, it helps mitigate some of the environmental damage caused by current drilling practices as fewer resources are used.

Algar Geothermal has spent several years of work, and thousands of dollars to complete computer simulations and has proven that this can be done. We are working with partners to find a well for a pilot test in 2023. If you want more information, please contact