Origin of Algar Geothermal

In 2015 Algar incorporated as a clean tech company based in Calgary, Alberta. Our plan is to convert end of life oil and gas wells to geothermal heat production. We needed a company name so we decided remove the C and the Y from Calgary. This is the origin of Algar Geothermal.
We lose the C because we want to lose Carbon
We dropped the Y because we know why
Since inception, we have completed over 20 different simulations with SLB’s Olga dynamic multiphase flow simulator in order to understand the a coaxial wellbore heat exchanger’s thermal dynamics to optimize heat recovery.
How it works
Algar’s process uses a single wellbore that is plugged at the bottom, and is totally isolated from the external geological formation of the surrounding earth. An inner pipe with an open bottom is inserted into the wellbore.
Fluid is circulated down the annulus to the bottom of the well where it is heated by geothermal heat energy.
The fluid then returns up the centre of the inner tube and is passed through a heat exchanger to heat the facility.
The cooled water is reinjected into the well to complete the closed loop fluid flow.
The results from the initial computer simulations were not promising. Simply recirculating fluid in this manner did not deliver enough heat to be commercially viable. This lead to experimentation that resulted in the development of Algar’s Integrated Cycle. Algar’s Integrated Cycle improved this concept by adding four innovations that improve the effectiveness of heat recovery. Collectively, these innovations have significantly increased the recoverable heat and temperature. (Need to know more? Contact us to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.)

The journey to identify the best type of wellbore
Out of service oil and gas wells serve no beneficial purpose at present. They are a liability to:
1. the well owner,
2. the land owner,
3. the environment.
Algar’s technology puts these wells back to work utilizing a simple inexpensive process that can have a 100 year life span.
Unless the well is owned by the party creating the heat, several issues may complicate the use of out of service wells. The location of the well, the age of the well, casing integrity, well ownership, regulatory liability requirements, and site environmental cleanup introduce may introduce issues that may disqualify the well for Algar’s process.
Drilling a bespoke well is an option that may avoid many of the issues associated with an existing well.
- The well can be drilled in an ideal location, close to the user of the heat.
- There is no previous site contamination that needs to be cleaned up.
- The structural integrity of the well is known.
- The liability bond required for a geothermal well is less than an oil and gas well.
- Ownership does not have to be transferred from an oil and gas producer to a geothermal company.
The Journey continues! Visit us in Monaco to learn more.
Algar Geothermal has been selected to present at the SLB Digital Forum 2024, in Monaco, from September 16-19, 2024 Attend our 20 minute presentation to see how you can be involved in bringing this exciting technology to reality.